CWCT is located in the City of Bath and is a national and international resource.
Events and courses are held in Bath, London and elsewhere in the U.K.
Founded in 1989 it is now supported by over 350 member companies drawn from the broad spectrum of the industry, from clients and architects to contractors and manufacturers. Non-members are welcome to participate in CWCT courses and purchase CWCT publications.
CWCT has a Board of Directors who are supported by CWCT Sponsors. CWCT has a Technical Committee comprising our Sponsors and invited industry experts. The Technical Committee helps inform our guidance and provides scrutiny of our work.

As an information provider, including as publisher of standards and guidance, CWCT seeks to assist its members, in their work in the field of building envelopes and glazing, always recognizing that in each case the members must rely on their own professional judgement in determining the solution that is appropriate to the particular circumstances of that case.
Guidance on the use of the CWCT logo for subscribing Member companies can be found here.